Saturday, September 15, 2007

DAY 16: From John 14

My soul finds rest in You alone; my salvation comes from You. Today and each day, I place my trust in You.
I will not let my heart be troubled. I will trust in You, my God; Jesus, I trust in You.

Father, you promise that in Your house are many rooms; we trust what You have taught us through your Son, Jesus.

Jesus, I long for the room You have prepared for me. I am astonished that You serve in heaven as you served here on earth. Such a servant-King is worthy of my trust!

I know You are coming back to take me to be with You.

I know that You are the way to the place where I am going.

I will cling to the promise of an eternity with You, and I will not let my heart be troubled.

I will trust in You, my God; Jesus, I trust in You.

Our souls find rest in You alone; our salvation comes from You. Today and each day, we place our trust in You.
(End with a period of Silence. Trusting that God is present)

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